Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Despised and Rejected

PBJ Devotional
By George M. Stahnke, 04/17/2018

He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief;
and as one from whom men hide their faces he was despised, and we esteemed him not. (Isaiah 53:3 ESV)

What kind of man has the strength to go through life rejected and remains unbroken? What kind of man can face reproach, false accusations, humiliation, death and still be faithful to the call of the Father? It is the Lord Jesus Christ alone, the savior of mankind! He is the lamb of God. There is no pain, no sorrow, no sickness, no grief that he cannot identify with. There is no temptation that he has not endured and defeated.

"He was also 'a man of sorrows,' for the variety of his woes; he was a man not of sorrow only, but of 'sorrows.' All the sufferings of the body and of the soul were known to him; the sorrows of the man who actively struggles to obey; the sorrows of the man who sits still, and passively endures. The sorrows of the lofty he knew, for he was the King of Israel; the sorrows of the poor he knew, for he 'had not where to lay his head.' Sorrows relative, and sorrows personal; sorrows mental, and sorrows spiritual; sorrows of all kinds and degrees assailed him. Affliction emptied his quiver upon him, making his heart the target for all conceivable woes." (Charles Spurgeon)

Only Christ knows the extent of our pain. Only Christ can reach to the deepest part of our soul to bring hope and healing. Through faith in Him alone, the stain and consequence of our sins are removed.

Jesus, you alone understand the human condition with all its frailties and weaknesses. Only you can heal the deep wounds of our soul. Only you can help us deal with all our regrets, sorrows, and shame! It is to you alone that we can turn to for help, healing, forgiveness, and salvation!

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