Friday, November 3, 2017

The Power of Music

11/03/2016 2 Kings 3:15 PBJ Devotional
“But now bring me a musician. And when the musician played, the hand of the LORD came upon him.” (2 Kings 3:15 ESV)

Music played by someone who loves the Lord, is indeed, a “minister of music.” They create more than just sound. They create a pathway for the spirit of the Lord to flow into a situation that can bring clarity and refreshing. Anointed music can bring the presence and power of the Holy Spirit and usher in the prophetic word of God! Such was the case with Elisha.

“Composure and serenity of soul were essential if the prophet was to hear the voice of God within.” Ellicott’s Commentary

“…the playing of any skilled minstrel had a soothing effect on those possessing the prophetic gift generally, and enabled them to shut out the outer world, and concentrate their whole attention on the inward voice which communicated to them the Divine messages.” Pulpit Commentary
Anointed music can also sooth the depressed, drive back demonic spirits, and bring times of emotional and spiritual refreshing to the afflicted.
“Let our lord now command your servants who are before you to seek out a man who is skillful in playing the lyre, and when the harmful spirit from God is upon you, he will play it, and you will be well." (1 Samuel 16:16 NIV)
I am personally grateful for the men and women who have recognized their gifting and honed their skills for the sake of ministry to the body of Christ and the world. I have personally benefited over the years. I owe them a debt that I can never repay!

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