Wednesday, February 1, 2017

PBJ Devotions 02/01/2017

Philippians 3:10-11 (AMPC) [For my determined purpose is] that I may know Him [that I may progressively become more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him perceiving and recognizing and understanding the wonders of His person more strongly and more clearly], and that I am may in that same way come to know the Power out flowing from His resurrection [which it exerts over believers], and that I may so share His sufferings as to be continually transformed [in spirit into his likeness even] to His death [in the hope] 11 that if possible I may attain to the [spiritual and moral] resurrection [that lifts me] out from among the dead [even while in the body].

What the Lord is saying to me:
This is the glorious call to those who would follow Christ, to fully know Him and the surpassing power of the resurrection progressively transforming a believer into the likeness of Christ, putting to death the sins of the flesh, and having the mind renewed by the transforming power of the Word of God in this there is life abundant, True freedom, overflowing joy and hope for tomorrow.

My responsive prayer to Him: 

Lord Jesus Christ, help me to unreservedly yield to your spirit! Oh how I desire to know you more and to experience the continual transforming power of the Resurrection. Give me the courage and the humility to face the day in full faith, and trust in you, and your Word. Help me to rise above my doubts and fears that I may live a full life that glorifies the Father eternal. Not my will, but yours be done!

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